Robin Donatello

Robin Donatello

Associate Professor of Statistics and Data Science

California State University, Chico

About me

When I’m not on campus, typically i’m growing 🥕🌾🍅🍆🍏 for my family, out adventuring with my 🐶🧔🐩 , or getting some 🎮🎲📚 time in.

Campus life consists of:

  • Teaching the next generation of Scientists how to harness the power of Statistics and Data in a responsible and ethical manner.
  • Providing Statistical consulting and analytical support for many projects on and off campus.
  • Supporting students in their academic adventures through intensive advising and research.
  • Leading the Data Science Initative (DSI) to develop Data Science capacity on our campus.


  • Racial Equity in STEM
  • Data Science
  • Student Success
  • Data Editing and Imputation
  • Gardening for food
  • Pitbulls and puppies
  • Being outdoors


  • Dr. P.H. in Biostatistics, 2013

    Fielding School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles

  • MS in Biostatistics, 2007

    Fielding School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles

  • BS in Mathematics, Option in Statistics, 2005

    California State University, Chico

  • BS in General Biology, Minor in Chemistry, 2005

    California State University, Chico



I teach the following courses at Chico State. The term where I last taught that class is listed in parentheses.

And have created, curated, or contributed to the following teaching materials, most of which (textbook excepted) are licenced under CC-BY-NC.

Last updated January, 2024




Reducing costs, burden, and risk of human error in large scale survey data collection and Scope of Work reporting using Automation

Ongoing activities involving multiple stages or partner organizations–such as tracking survey participants or program subcontractor …

Resilience of Passion-Driven statistics in the face of Pandemic Online learning

This work analyzes trends from Sp19 to Fa21 (48 schools, 2,288 students), in student experiences and gains during the switch to online …

Promote Yourself: Make Your Own Professional Website Without Knowing HTML.

Data analysts tend to write a lot of reports, describing their analyses and results, for their collaborators or to document their work …


(2022). Exploring housing insecurity in relation to student success. Journal of American College Health.

Code DOI

(2021). Host Correlates of Avian Influenza Virus Infection in Wild Waterfowl of the Sacramento Valley, California. Avian Diseases.


(2020). Deliberate practice in simulation - Evaluation of repetitive code training on nursing students' BLS team skills. Clinical Simulation in Nursing.


Guidelines for Creating a Good Scientific Poster

This post contains general guidelines on how to make a scientific poster. You should always check the standards and requirements for the specific conference, site or session where you will be presenting.

Tidy Tuesday: Mario Kart World Record

I’m finally venturing into the world of Tidy Tuesday. This week is all about Mario Kart. The Data The data this week comes from Mario Kart World Records and contains world records for the classic (if you’re a 90’s kid) racing game on the Nintendo 64.

Rebuilding this Site, Again, from Near Scratch

The last time I updated this website was in 2017 [link to other post]. I’m taking a full year sabbatical, and so I wanted to start by doing some updates to this site first.